Tag Archives: Current Events

Banksy NY: A Social Media Art Exhibit

14 Nov

Banksy NY Second Piece

Mysterious British street artist Banksy known for his satirical street art and subversive epigrams combine dark humor with graffiti done in a distinctive stenciling technique. Earlier this month, Banksy announced his one month residency in New York via his blog simply stating “For the next month Banksy will be attempting to host an entire show on the Streets of New York.” His exhibit “Better Out Than In” features artwork on buildings, statues, and live works of art. Banksy, debuts one piece of art a day and completes pieces late at night. Generating huge media attention and buzz, Banksy implemented social media to share his work through social media.

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Rapper The Game Uses Instagram To Help Others

16 Oct

450e9__game-disneyland-1The rapper, The Game is using social media platform Instagram to promote his charity “The Robin Hood Project.” His goal is to give away $1 million of his own money by Christmas to people in need. His Instagram account, is filled with Polaroid like photos of people he has given money to. The photos caption includes the amount that was donated and why. It varies from $50 – 20,000. Check out The Robin Hood Project  Continue reading

Scooter the Llama

4 Jun



I was picking up the love of my life Sean from the kennel after my mother left him in that prison to go to my sisters graduation at Harvard… OMG THE NERVE OF THAT WOMAN.

Anyways, I was already anxious because the vet had called my aunt reassuring her that whoever picks up Sean needs to understand that the dog we see is really him. Um… what? Apparently, Sean got a hair cut and they shaved my baby. He went from a fur ball to what appears to be a baby lamb…

Before his haircut

Before his haircut

Okay I am slightly digressing…. So I arrive at the kennel/animal hospital/prison and they make me wait for what seems like a year for my dog.. I begin pacing like a nut job… I look up to the TV and Fox News is on… Headline…. Scooter the Llama.

Scooter the llama? national news? turn the volume up!


Scooter the Llama is 7 years-old ran away and was on the loose in Florida.

He is 6 feet tall and roughly 300 lbs.

Scooter allegedly spit in several police officers faces… (officers are not pressing charges!)

A taser didn’t harm Scooter but it was used.

Major traffic jams were caused trying to chase down Scooter.


As ridiculous as this story was… I am glad it received national attention because you constantly turn on the news and watch such horrific things and it always puts you in a bad mood. This story actually calmed me. It was silly, ridiculous, and no animals were harmed during this news segment.


baby lamb or sean??

baby lamb or sean??


Read full AP story here.

Outrageous News!


Live Life To The Fullest

2 Mar

YouTube: Brett Linzer

I can’t be mad that I dont have somethings, or look a certain way, or achieve other things because for one I am so lucky to be where I am at right now. 

Today I read a story with the headline “Family Trying to Fulfill a 9-Month Old’s Bucket List” Yep, you read that right a 9-month old has a bucket list. Quinn Linzer of Long Island New York has a rare disease called Niemann-Pick Type A. It is a 1 in 250,000 chances of getting the disease. It’s rare and most children who have Niemann-Pick Type A do not live past the age of 1. 

Doctors told the Linzer family “to go home and love her.” The Linzer Family created Quinn’s List:  The To-Do List of The Lifetime.

I can’t even imagine knowing that my child was going to pass away and knowing that there was a ticking clock determining my child’s life and trying to fulfill everything you’d want to show your child. The Linzer family is a very strong and passionate family. 

Quinn is a beautiful girl and I know she will live her life to the fullest. I hope everyone realize not to take life for granted and live life to the fullest. If you take anything from this blog post, please be thankful and make the most out of today. 

Check out the Linzer Family  blog to see Quinn’s Journey